Monthly Archives: March 2011
Premier Acupuncture has new signs
Written on March 22, 2011 at 7:27 pm, by michael
Special thanks goes out to Antonio Haw III and Definitive Design Studio, LLC for the logo design and sign makeup.
2011 VancouverFit Medical Team
Written on March 19, 2011 at 9:43 pm, by michael
Super excited for the 2011 VancouverFit Marathon Training Season! We will have a Full Medical Team available to care for our members!!!! I am honored to introduce our 2011 Medical Team: 1. Acupuncture Clinic: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Premier-Acupuncture-LLC/189540811066470?sk=wall#!/pages/Premier-Acupuncture-LLC/189540811066470?sk=wall&filter=2); https://www.premieracu.com/ 2. Three Chiropractic Clinics + Their Massage Therapists http://priorityhealthchiro.com/ www.bcchiropracticclinic.com http://www.wellness.com/dir/446167/chiropractor/wa/vancouver/kathy-thomas-healing-chiropractic-pc-dc 3. 360 Physical Therapy www.360-pt.com 4. Certified Athletic Continue Reading »
Good news for hot flashes
Written on March 7, 2011 at 8:38 pm, by michael
A new study shows that acupuncture has been found to help women going through post-menopausal hot flashes. For more on the story, you can read up on it at: Curb Severity of Post Menopausal Hot Flashes with Acupuncture. There is also a video you can watch on the same story. All the best, Michael