Monthly Archives: October 2012
Acupuncture may help ease symptoms of cancer related fatigue
Written on October 30, 2012 at 3:11 pm, by michael
For those that may have or knows somebody battling cancer, take a look at acupuncture to see if it can be helpful with the symptoms like fatigue, nausea, anxiety, depression or many other symptoms that result from cancer. According to the article, “Acupuncture is an effective intervention for managing the symptom of chemo-related fatigue and Continue Reading »
October 2012 Samplefest
Written on October 17, 2012 at 12:38 pm, by michael
Come join Premier Acupuncture this Saturday morning at St. John Lutheran Church at 11005 NE Hwy 99, Vancouver, WA 98686 starting at 8:00 AM for an event being sponsored by the Gluten Intolerance Group of Vancouver. Samplefest is a chance for people to be introduced to business’s in the community that focus on gluten free Continue Reading »
Acupuncture Confirmed Helpful for Chronic Pain
Written on October 1, 2012 at 3:15 pm, by michael
As the name of the post title indicates, a lot of research has been done in the past few years regarding the value of acupuncture as a source of treatment for chronic pain sufferers. In a recent study taking a meta analysis of 29 previous top quality studies involving 17,922 participants, it was shown that Continue Reading »