Acupuncture is great for TMJ in that a needle can be inserted directly into the jaw and the muscles around the temporomandibular joint to release any spasm and pain. This is done so by placing needles in the muscle motor points which will cause lasting relief. The benefit of having acupuncture over a massage is that it allows the needles to reach a very deep layer and stimulate areas that may not be possible to reach otherwise.
I have personal experience with acupuncture and TMJ. I had suffered through years of occasional bouts of TMJ which made it nearly impossible to eat food, and it was truly an aweful experience. I tried many things with only minor success, but acupuncture was what has given me truly lasting relief. I visited my acupuncturist for a few treatments, and I was amazed by how well it worked for me, as well as how long I have gone without having any significant bouts of TMJ.
If you or anybody you know is suffering with TMJ, have them call me and I would love to talk to them about it to see if I can help. Or schedule an appointment to receive a free consultation in my clinic and we can discuss this or any other questions or health concerns you may have.
Be well,
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