Blog Archives
The future for Acupuncture and Medicare is happening right now
Written on July 16, 2019 at 1:25 pm, by michael
Many patients over the years have asked if Medicare covers acupuncture, and to this point, the answer has always been no. Now some medicare patients pay for secondary insurance such as United or Humana which will cover acupuncture, however not every medicare patient has access to those policies. Now a new policy change is going Continue Reading »
Beat that summer heat!
Written on June 19, 2019 at 3:26 pm, by michael
Summer time is here, and like any good pacific north westerner, we have to get outside and enjoy as much of that beautiful sunshine as we can before it’s gone. Here are a few thoughts to remember when spending more time out doors. Make sure that you protect and take care of your skin every Continue Reading »
My Doctor Said I Need to Exercise, But What Does That Mean?
Written on March 7, 2019 at 10:52 am, by michael
Recently, I have been told by a lot of my patients that their primary care physician or other doctors in the past have told them that they need to exercise more, whether it was for weight loss, diabetes, low back pain, it really doesn’t seem to matter, they just like to tell patients to exercise Continue Reading »