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October 2012 Samplefest

Come join Premier Acupuncture this Saturday morning at St. John Lutheran Church at 11005 NE Hwy 99, Vancouver, WA 98686 starting at 8:00 AM for an event being sponsored by the Gluten Intolerance Group of Vancouver.  Samplefest is a chance for people to be introduced to business’s in the community that focus on gluten free food and helping people learn a little more about gluten allergies or sensitivities.


Premier Acupuncture will be there with a stand to talk to people about how acupuncture may benefit them in their daily lives.  Acupuncture is a great way to help people with digestive disorders such as gluten intolerance and others.
Come by and say hi.



Acupuncture Confirmed Helpful for Chronic Pain

As the name of the post title indicates, a lot of research has been done in the past few years regarding the value of acupuncture as a source of treatment for chronic pain sufferers.  In a recent study taking a meta analysis of 29 previous top quality studies involving 17,922 participants, it was shown that acupuncture was considered to be considered a helpful form of treatment for patients that have chronic pain.  Click on the link below to see the story reported.

One of the issues presented always seems to involve whether or not acupuncture is working or if it is a placebo affect, and this study shows that there is a difference between acupuncture and the so called “sham” acupuncture.   The study found that on using a pain scale between 0-100, patients who started with an average of 60 experienced a 50% reduction in pain when acupuncture was used.  When no acupuncture was used and only standard care was given to the patient, the average reported only a 28% reduction in pain.

For more information on acupuncture and to see if you can benefit from treatments, feel free to give me a call at 360-892-4355 or send me an email at and I’ll be glad to answer anything I can for you.


Be well,


Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha lipoic acid acts as a superior anti-inflammatory that works by penetrating all portions of the cell because it is both fat and water soluble.  On a cellular level, alpha lipoic acid exerts a wide variety of positive anti-inflammatory actions.  ALA acts as a powerful antioxidant and increases the body’s ability to take glucose into the cells.  This increased sensitivity to insulin results in decreased blood sugar levels and can be beneficial in accelerating weight loss.

Since alpha lipoid acid is found only in trace amounts of food, it is recommended to be also taken as a supplement.  25-30 milligrams is good for a young healthy person.  However up to 200-400 milligrams of ALA may be beneficial for specific health conditions or for people looking to lose body fat.

Alpha lipoic acid helps in the metabolic cycle by acting as a coenzyme in the production of energy by converting carbohydrates into energy.   It is important to note to take ALA with meals.

In taking any supplement or vitamin, always consult with your doctor or primary care provider before starting on any type of regimen to make sure it is right for you, especially when you are taking other medications as mixing medications can sometimes be contraindicated.


Be well,
