Blog Archives
But I’m afraid of needles…
Written on March 4, 2013 at 6:19 pm, by michael
A common thing I’ve heard from patients is that they are afraid of needles, and that is why they waited so long before trying acupuncture. While a fear of needles is a fairly common thing, it should be noted that the needles that most people are afraid of are larger syringe style needles that are Continue Reading »
How many acupuncture treatments will it take?
Written on January 21, 2013 at 4:20 pm, by michael
Of the many questions that I get about acupuncture, one of the more common questions is how many acupuncture treatments will I need before I feel better? This is one of the tougher questions to answer for a patient, because how many treatments it takes is different for everybody. There are several factors to consider: Continue Reading »
New Years Healthy Living Resolutions
Written on January 2, 2013 at 1:09 pm, by michael
A new year often times means a new resolution. Whether that resolution is for weight loss, to quit smoking, or to just get healthier in general, it’s often a tough thing to keep. Whatever your new years resolution is for 2013, make sure you set reasonable and quantifiable goals for yourself. If your goal is Continue Reading »